
College of FoiBuilt in 1457 on the initiative of Cardinal Pierre de Foix, the Residence-College of Foix welcomed, until the French Revolution, scholarship students who found a place to live and study on site.

The residence was endowed with Pope Benedict XII which was bought by Colbert. The collection is today at the Biblithèque Nationale de France.

In the 17th century, the building was raised and the miranda was added.miranda

Confiscated as a national asset by the revolutionaries, the Residence was resold to many owners who made it their home. It was bought in 1817 by the Abbot Maurice Garrigou , who established the Sisters of Our Lady of Compassion, as well as a seminary which welcomed many priests in training, reviving the student vocation of the residence.

When the seminary closes, the Residence will welcome a home for young students run by the Sisters of Compassion, and again a student residence. Part of the building is still occupied by the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Compassion who continue their work of education and care for the most needy.

In 2010, the Congregation of the Mission entrusted the Résidence Collège de Foix with the management of 5 flats built on the site of their former convent.

Following the creation of the Marie Thérèse du Terrail Residence, the Company of Mary Our Lady entrusted us with the management of this residence in 2017.